post #9000000 GET!

Collection: Barefoot Warrior Women (deleted)

For female fighters who forgo shoes. Created because characters with this design aspect in mind are much more absent in most media because of impracticality.The title is not tag literal, meaning Bandaged feet and other foot accesories allowed as long as the bottom of the foot can touch the ground.

1) The character must be commonly barefoot/adjacent in their official outfit or official alternate costume.
2) Bottom of foot can touch the floor. No sandals allowed, but stirrup legwear/bridal legwear is!
3) Be wearing some kind of combat attire such as armor or a dougi.
4) The character must have human legs and a humanoid form, but not a fan-made form, I.e no personification of animal characters.
5) If the character is original then there must be an an indicator that they fight or have a nature of combat, being a mage counts.
6) Characters can be in casual situations as long as the above rules apply.

Examples include:
Han Juri
Nepheli loux
Ramlethal Valentine


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