A gaiden manga centered around Goku and Caulifla that takes place after the DBS Broly movie. The story is current with the events of Z and Super.
Chapter 1: Super Saiyan 3
Chapter 2: Kaioken
Chapter 3: Vegeta
Chapter 4: Talent and Experience
Chapter 5: Sempai & Kouhai
Chapter 6: Planet Vegeta
Chapter 7: Kakarot
Chapter 8: Trunks and Goten
Chapter 9: Fusion
Chapter 10: Gotenks
Chapters 11: Tatami Kakero
Chapter 12: Critical Moment
Chapter 13: Believe, Endure & Visit
Chapter 14: We're Going Together
Chapter 15: Kefla
Chapter 16: The Right to Push the Limits
Chapter 17: I'm Going To Do It!
Chapter 18: Rage
Chapter 19: Settled? (Colorized)
Chapter 20: Sorting Out the Situation
Chapter 21: Targets
Chapter 22: Reunion
Chapter 23: The Things We Got
Chapter 24: Room of Spirit and Time
Column 01: Room of Spirit and Time
Chapter 25: Piccolo