post #9000000 GET!

Series: Kantai Collection - Bokopotato 2 (Mizuno (okn66))

Original title: ボコポテト2
Circle: Fujisan Kyuugoume (富士山九合目, "Mt. Fuji 9th Station")
Artist: Mizuno

Comiket 89 release for Circle Fujisan Kyuugoume. Features two stories:
1. The base receives a normal, sane Mikuma as a dropped ship, contrasting the raging lesbian eccentric one they already had at base. Hijinks and envy ensue.

2. Isonami reenacts The Little Match Girl, but with potatoes instead of matches.

2nd release in the Bokopotato series.
Bokopotato 1
Bokopotato 3

1 2