post #9000000 GET!

Series: Original - The Bewitching Witch Veronica (Homura Hinase)

Original title: 幻惑の魔女ヴェロニカ
Artist: Homura Hinase
The story of the sexually dominant Witch Veronica, who takes up a filthy beggar's daughter.

Chapter 1: ヘンリエッタ はじめてのおふろの巻 / The Chapter of Henrietta's First Bath
Chapter 2: カトリーヌ やきもちをやくの巻 / The Chapter of Katrin's Jealousy
Chapter 3: カトリーヌ おもらしをするの巻 / The Chapter where Katrin Pees
Chapter 4: ヘンリエッタ ぺろぺろするの巻 / The Chapter where Henrietta Licks
Final chapter: The Chapter of Master Veronica and the Angel's Kiss (to be concluded since June 2016)

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