
Collection: Translation Request - LUNATIC Mode

This is for those posts that have aspects that make translation extremely difficult. Only experienced translators should make the attempt!

Criteria for inclusion

Visual difficulty

The difficulty here lies in being able to recognize the text or know what's missing given the context.

  • Absurdly small text
  • Badly handwritten text
  • Walls of text partially obscured by foreground objects
Linguistic difficulty

The difficulty here lies in being able to accurately convey the original intent into the English language.

  • Puns
  • Thick dialects
  • Classical/Archaic language
  • Poetry
  • Song lyrics

Other guidelines

1. When adding to the pool, make sure to leave a comment explaining why translation will be difficult and, if necessary, pointing out where the difficult bits are.

2. If you do succeed in translating an image, remember to remove it from the pool.

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