<div style="font-size: 100%; margin: -4px; padding: 4px; background-color: #FFFFFF;">Battles in Gensoukyou are different from simple matches to the death...</div>
Recently, in Gensoukyou—
I would love to know the details!
Of course, miss Tengu's stories—
I borrowed miss' photo book of various things about Gensoukyou—
—it was an amazing book!
Having the job of revealing the truth is—
—but I wouldn't be able to—
The color of the ornament is—
There's this food called naan—
—I would like to try it—
<tn>The first letter of each line reads as "Sakuya masturbates to pictures of nee-sama"</tn>
<h2><span style="color: black;">Seems like Gensoukyou has both the most despicable and most disastrous, and the fiendish and most disastrous pairs of twins...</span></h2>