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8975924 3969017.1 » <big>But I need to for Gensokyo!</big>
8995868 3968068.1 » Gensokyo welcomes all. And my goodness, that's a heartless thing to say. <tn>Yukari's fairly famous winquote from Immaterial and Missing Power
8928015 3958001.2 » Why would THE founder of Gensokyo like myself, have to babysit a child??!!
8870835 3946769.1 » After all, there's all sorts of scary people watching over Gensokyo
8827316 3940762.1 » <b>You're about to witness an exciting new addition to the Gensokyo sporting scene...</b>
8827315 3940747.1 » <span style="font-size:90%"><b><i>It's still a new sport in Gensokyo.</i></b></span>
8827313 3940729.1 » <span style="font-size:80%"><center><i>Gensokyo Underground Boxing Tournament</i></center></span>
8727971 3926589.1 » <span style="font-size:130%">...Sometimes I worry about Gensokyo...</span>
8727947 3926317.1 » <span style="font-size:130%; white-space:nowrap"><i>Bunbunmaru— Gensokyo—!</i></span>
8646329 3920949.1 » <span style="font-family: scary; font-size: 25px; font-weight:bold;">To become the 「Queen of Gensokyo」!</span>
8662125 3918375.1 » <font color="red"><font size="+2">Gensokyo Grading Check</font>
8662125 3918374.1 » <font color="red"><font size="+2">Gensokyo Grading Check</font>
8499339 3912776.1 » All I want to do is sit back and take over Gensokyo!
8600426 3906568.1 » <big>Gensokyo Resident Distinction Book</big>
8539759 3902170.1 » The Hakurei before me gave her life to seal the path from Gensokyo to Makai, but here we are-
8568359 3899050.1 » <span style="font-size:140%"><i>she was about to learn just how terrifying Gensokyo could be...</i></span>
8324570 3895051.1 » Physical examination at a temple school in Gensokyo.
8499873 3890851.1 » <big>Now the “bad Toutetsu” has been destroyed, and Gensokyo’s peace has been protected. Thanks to you. </big>
8473712 3884992.1 » <span style="font-size:110%">This is Gensokyo. It accepts all sorts of beings like you.</span>
443404 3883325.1 » The mysterious symbiotic creature found in the seas of Gensokyou, known as the 'Reimariuo' (occasionally seen flying through the sky), generally has a friendly disposition. However, even when separated, its unyielding persistence and the power of its invincible, strongest 'Dreadful Love-Love Burst’ allows it to confront any foe—no matter how formidable—and instantly blows them away like flower petals, making it extremely dangerous. Moreover, with an excessive chest, the body's resistance is minimal, resulting in an unprecedented movement speed. That said, their unique movements are truly strange yet mysterious, so I would like you to, by all means, quietly admire their enigmatic beauty here. Particularly due to the way their bodies rub together during mating, which takes place almost daily (sometimes more than three times), is excessively ERO<span style= " font-family: scary; font-size: 16px;">TICkrqwsedfgyfujikolp;@:
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