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3877645 2719750.1 » <code>Were Sumireko's teachings fit for purpose? For that matter, were they fit for Gensoukyou?</code>
3877645 2719749.1 » <code>The throng within Gensoukyou that followed Usami Sumireko and her promises of mental might multiplied magnificently.</code>
3877644 2713750.1 » <code>And so, a new path was born within Gensoukyou.</code>
3877636 2713598.1 » <code>Within Gensoukyou, these three have grown to become the great guiding paths for the wayward and the lost.</code>
3411230 2711191.1 » <b>I'm in charge of eroticism in Gensoukyou, how could I lose to you!?
3782534 2704208.1 » Now no one will be able to withstand Gensoukyou's harsh winters.
3782524 2704188.1 » In other words, when the moon is full and my powers are at their peak, I know everything that has occurred in Gensoukyou.
3839830 2704049.1 » So hey, think she's angry enough to flatten Gensoukyou?
3774572 2702344.1 » The gods who used to regulate that season here in Gensoukyou were a pair of sisters.
3774529 2699081.1 » And yet no one in Gensoukyou can even recognize it as writing.
3771000 2694390.1 » All it's going to do is drive a wedge between Gensoukyou's residents.
3774504 2694339.2 » A Time of Crisis in Gensoukyou! Only YOU can save us!
3774504 2694329.2 » A dark shadow has fallen over the unprecedented prosperity Gensoukyou has been enjoying. On August 19th, Bunbunmaru News learned of a shocking crime. According to our sources, an unknown victim received a fatal blow from a certain youkai on the evening of August 10th. The assailant then used a unique and terrifying ability to erase the victim from this world, to the point that no one can even remember that they ever existed to begin with.
3774504 2694318.1 » Part of Gensoukyou Erased?!
3838948 2693774.1 » <code><b>I'm currently sandwiched between the most dangerous couple in all of Gensoukyou...</code></b>
3770986 2693452.1 » Was Gensoukyou always like this?
3770972 2692466.1 » Once we started talking about age, I thought it'd be simple enough to just interview Gensoukyou's oldest residents.
3770972 2692441.1 » No good. She only came to earth recently, so she doesn't know that much about Gensoukyou yet.
3770922 2676644.1 » And I know everyone in Gensoukyou. There's no way I could be mistaken.
3770838 2676217.1 » Like I said, it happened yesterday evening. I was observing Gensoukyou, as usual...
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