Schrobby said:
Not really. The images in question here are 100% pixel identical - the difference is just the metadata pixiv stripped from the files. If that data is stripped from the other image files as well they have the same md5, see forum #91081. If danbooru would do that and check the resulting md5 those double uploads would vanish into thin air.
That's what he said.
But there's a problem with what you're proposing.
pixiv version = image
nico version = image + metadata
Case 1:
pixiv uploaded first,
nico uploaded, ---> strip metadata and compare MD5 --> match found
Case 2:
nico uploaded first
pixiv uploaded ---> cannot reconstruct metadata
You would then have to compare images. For example:
Take the closest match from a iqdb search. Strip the metadata from the closest match and then compare MD5.
You'd have to search for matching images (iqdb) for every single pixiv upload, and that's all but fast.