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Tag creations: personality_connection and race_connection

Posted under General

Could there be a tag for a crossover obviously show the similarities in the characters' personalities? I know there's personality swap to create a bizarre comparison, but I don't see anything for when the personalities are similar, such as what I found below when browsing through Zero no Tsukaima and different crossover posts:

post #60931
post #97077 (expressionless waifs)
post #195017 (tsunderes, plus some Kugimiya Rie posts I saw)
post #670046 (tomboys)
post #726091
post #775386 (sadistic trolls)
post #127032 (yanderes)
post #198433
post #799396 (warrior women)
and probably other character types I didn't explore...

I know this would be a highly subjective tag and not used very much, but the above examples clearly demonstrate their similarities. I would also rule out the 'kind and caring' types because it is seen so much that it'd be impossible to tag them all.


On the other hand, I thought of there being a race connection tag where the crossover is because the two characters are from the same race, which I found especially noticeable with vampires due to Remilia Scarlet. I'd rule out humans and elves because they're so common, so other lesser races would count like vampires, monster characters and those with the same kemonomimi features (cat/dog/squirrel/etc).

Updated by jxh2154

Also post #1279761 or post #1277698 which is a chuunibyou connection.

Or post #1279899 which is a connection based on a design element.

For this reason I thought that rather than personality_connection it should be something like motif_connection, theme_connection, trope_connection, trait_connection, character_connection or something like that.

All of those sound off somehow, as adding connection seems strange in a few cases, but it's closer to what I'm thinking a tag of this nature should be. I think I like character_connection, which is broader to me than personality, but I wonder if it might not be somehow misleading.


Trait connection sounds better and can encompass more ideas. As for the design element, post #1279899 seems kind of iffy to me. A similar character design trait like that eyepatch never crossed my mind when making this thread. I wonder if this could also include the race_connection I mentioned, since they're also character traits.

I just like finding connection tags to explain why certain crossovers are made, like when I suggested the weapon connection tag and did what I could to expand the color connection and power connection tags.

Benit149 said:
Trait connection sounds better and can encompass more ideas. As for the design element, post #1279899 seems kind of iffy to me. A similar character design trait like that eyepatch never crossed my mind when making this thread.

I know, but it came to mind as things like eyepatches or twintails are just as much a common character trait, but I understand if we don't want to mix such things up with actual personality types.

BarefeetChaser said:
If trait_connection is approved, will seiyuu_connection be include in this tag?

No. Creates too much noise.
