
Deletion appeal thread

Posted under General

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hello again, sorry for spamming the thread thisll be last.

post #3651570

this got undeleted for some reason. im sure ive told you to undelete this a few times before, why was it undeleted now? whats different?

and obviously this isnt the first one thats gone through this.

also, sorry for swearing. i dont think i have, but sorry if i insulted you personally.

@Lacrimosa @Guaro1238

ok? thats irrelevant though.

you said, you being yall as a collective, that every post is seen and judged on a standard. so yeah, ill keep going until one of yall admit that there is no standard. well not now, but yknowm, just admit yall are liars.

ok seriously this is the last post sorry. @nonamethanks

qme said: ill keep going until one of yall admit that there is no standard. well not now, but yknowm, just admit yall are liars.

There's no standard other than the combined taste of all approvers who see a post. Six months ago when that post was uploaded I was away from the site, so I couldn't have seen it nor judged it. Also the topic for this kind of whining is topic #7934.