A untranslated page of pool #14485
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A untranslated page of pool #14485
Not sure how post #3564673 died in the queue, but I think it's worthy of further consideration.
• post #3276334
• post #3572653
• post #3585826
• post #3516567
• post #3082578
• post #3008299 (Parent) / post #3009655 (Child)
• post #3507183
• post #3196265
• post #2974843
• post #3430183
• post #3434574
• post #3501491 (Parent) / post #3501492 (Child)
• post #3399112
• post #3079239
• post #3121096
• post #3038144
• post #3482166
• post #3535075
This is not the feeback topic (topic #7934), but I can’t keep quiet about a few items and might just as well leave you some feedback to avoid more futile appeals in the future.
SFF9 said:
• post #3082578 (Sorry if my appeal for this sounds a little mean)
Sorry if you can’t see it, but that pelvic area is anatomical nonsense. An adult woman’s pelvis is more wide than high and, for orientation, the pussy should be below the pubic arch. This poor woman wouldn’t even be able to pee because her urethra would be squeezed off by the pubic bone (unless her urethra is above the pubic bone, which would be complete nonsense). And with strangely elongated ischium, she wouldn’t be able to walk either. Yes, sitting down pushes fat and muscles flat, but she’d need some really strange fat distribution to look like this: as much fat hanging off her ass as an obese person but a rather healthy fat distribution on the rest of her body. And even if the focus is on her upper body, that’s not an excuse for anatomical nonsense elsewhere. That’s how Danbooru rolls.
• post #3196265 (Parent post #3195913 was approved with the same quality)
The parent is a superior quality version from Pixiv that was uploaded first. We usually don’t approve inferior duplicates uploaded later.
• post #2974843
▻ I do agree with this but on the other hand, the post looks high enough in quality to be approved (Current score: 37 / Favorites: 104) and bad_anatomy tag exists for a reason as well.• post #3038144
▷ Current Appeal:
" If drawing proportion is wrong, there is no necessity to just outright delete it. Just use tags like "bad_anatomy" or "bad_proportion" or both. "
We have enough fanservice with good or acceptable quality/anatomy, so we don’t need bad or borderline stuff (yes, we also have more than enough of that too). Popularity (score/favorites) don’t matter because that’s not a measure of quality. As long as an image has fanservice/porn, someone will favorite/upvote it, even if it’s total garbage. Sad but true. :( Tags like bad_anatomy and bad_proportions aren’t a blanket excuse either. Otherwise, we could just approve everything and tag the crap with those tags or bad_art. That’s not how Danbooru rolls. If you want art with inconsistent quality approved, choose a different image board.
Apologies for the amount of posts/text here, […]
This topic is not for feedback or arguments. Next time, please list just post IDs like everyone else.
kittey said: ...
My bad on my end there and now I feel like a total idiot forgetting about the feedback thread with the monstrous wall of text that I created which I will now proceed to clean up.
Thank you however for pointing out and explaining to me the details on the posts and explaining more of the tagging system (aging really does take a toll on your eyesight). I actually like this image board a lot because of it's efficiency and ease of access (even though it doesn't have a dark theme) and the staff here is actually more friendly/helpful on feedback rather than the other Boorus that I've been to. Such as you for example!
SFF9 said:
My bad on my end there and now I feel like a total idiot forgetting about the feedback thread with the monstrous wall of text that I created which I will now proceed to clean up.
Thank you however for pointing out and explaining to me the details on the posts and explaining more of the tagging system (aging really does take a toll on your eyesight). I actually like this image board a lot because of it's efficiency and ease of access (even though it doesn't have a dark theme) and the staff here is actually more friendly/helpful on feedback rather than the other Boorus that I've been to. Such as you for example!
"Slightly" off-topic:
There is a dark theme, but you've to know it's there.
You've to install this CSS:
topic #9588
post #3605407 An artist does something rated safe for once and no hits approve?
post #3599259 never had any problems with tooo before
post #3560401
post #3537455
post #3601067
post #3547700
post #3552830 (this is a comic that was translated too post #3552818)
Megamet said:
Inferior Twitter version uploaded after the superior Pixiv version was already up. It’s pointless to appeal those and you should avoid uploading them in the first place.