Oh, thought it was metaphorical, like a rainbow of opinions. I assume the plugin colours profile links...?
Posted under General
Alignn said:
Oh, thought it was metaphorical, like a rainbow of opinions. I assume the plugin colours profile links...?
Colors show based on access level. Light blue = user, dark blue = privileged, light purple = builder, purple = contributor, light green = test janitor, green = janitor, yellow = mod, red = admin.
The script does a lot of other convenient things too. Helps a lot for people actively maintaining the site.
Meanwhile, Pixiv 1000.
11855 posts and counting...
Aristocrat said:
That aside, allowing Pixiv 1000 to stay as a tag sets a dangerous precedent for "DeviantArt 1000" or something even worse.
How is that worse? Are you racist?
I'm not sure why this is a pool to be honest, unless there's some reason we want to keep it sequential? It's completely objective, verifiable information. (And of course it's useful, people use it. If people want to make Pixiv 10k etc. that would be useful too.)
スラッシュ said:
I'm not sure why this is a pool to be honest, unless there's some reason we want to keep it sequential? It's completely objective, verifiable information. (And of course it's useful, people use it. If people want to make Pixiv 10k etc. that would be useful too.)
It's a pool because it cannot be a tag, as it's completely unrelated to the content of the image (see forum #54326 where it was first turned into a pool for the whole discussion on the matter).
As for its usefulness, opinions are divided. What seems certain to me though, is that the larger this gets the less useful it becomes as a quality indicator, as Aristocrat demonstrated earlier.
And it's pretty large already.
Being a large pool on Danbooru doesn't actually dilute it's ability to indicate quality, as it is objectively defined and not expanded based on our users whims. It is unwieldy to navigate, but that's not really its purpose.
The only thing that would dilute its quality would be if a larger percentage of Pixiv's content had 1,000 or more bookmarks. Pixiv should ostensibly adjust that itself though if it becomes a real problem. Keep in mind that while the pool will continue to grow, the amount of content it *could* apply to is growing as well. So long as the ratio keeps similar, the quality threshold will remain roughly the same.
Shinjidude said:
as it is objectively defined
It's not really objective though. Sure 1000 favorites on Pixiv is a quantifiable thing, but it's derived from a mass of subjective opinions. To put it another way, this is pretty much like say because something is popular it's good.
I'm not trying to say that collecting stuff into pools based on collective opinion is a problem mind you. I just think we need to stop saying that this is objective in any real way. This is also why it should stay a pool, and not a become a tag. If it became a tag it'd just be VIP Quality decided by people who have nothing to do with Danbooru.
P.S. Using something and it being useful aren't the same thing. Useful implies that the thing actually does it's job well. Not to say that the pool is necessarily not useful, just saying they aren't the same thing, so just the fact that it's used shouldn't be the criteria to determine that it's useful.
Sorry I should have qualified it again. I mean to say objective so far as Danbooru is concerned. It's useful in the same way (and has some similar down-sides) as our score or favcount metrics do (which are inherently subjective). Likewise this pool is certainly subjective in that it's subject to Pixiv's userbase's whims.
When I say it's objective, I mean it is a binary check-the-variable-and-pool-accordingly metric so far as Danbooru goes. I suppose Danbooru members could potentially influence Pixiv to some degree, but I would wager that Pixiv's native userbase swamps the number of Danbooru users with Pixiv accounts, and that the majority of Danbooru users don't regularly rate things on Pixiv anyway.
As for being a foreign-vetted VIP Quality, that is exactly what it is. It serves the same purpose, but avoids the fact that a local tag is easily subverted by individual Danbooru users' whims. This pool is sort of an aggregate quality evaluation over a population Danbooru has no significant direct control over.
Useful or not the pool is causing problems with the site due to its size. Address that first, one way or another.
Shinjidude said:
Being a large pool on Danbooru doesn't actually dilute it's ability to indicate quality, as it is objectively defined and not expanded based on our users whims. It is unwieldy to navigate, but that's not really its purpose.The only thing that would dilute its quality would be if a larger percentage of Pixiv's content had 1,000 or more bookmarks. Pixiv should ostensibly adjust that itself though if it becomes a real problem. Keep in mind that while the pool will continue to grow, the amount of content it *could* apply to is growing as well. So long as the ratio keeps similar, the quality threshold will remain roughly the same.
As I've said before, the average quality of posts being added to the pool has ALREADY deteriorated so severely that it is no longer a meaningful indicator of quality; take a look at the latter part of the pool if you haven't done so recently.
Worse yet, it is actually 100% impossible to clean up "poor" entries because of the pool definition. Crappy meme images with 1000 favorites on pixiv will qualify while masterpieces from obscure artists won't.
My thoughts are:
RaisingK said:
So, 16217 posts in 301 pages now. I'd like to revive this thread and its proposal to nuke this pool.
I don't see any worth in keeping it. It's completely subjective and based on another site's users.
If someone is more interested in Pixiv's favorite data than Danbooru's then that's fine, but they should just do a search on Pixiv instead of Danbooru. Danbooru is not just an English Pixiv clone so we don't need to mirror their subjective data.