
calculate_tag_subscriptions appears to be stuck

Posted under General

I noticed last night that my tag subscriptions weren't moving as quickly as normal. Just to make sure it wasn't just a slow night for uploads, I went to bed and checked in the morning...same posts. I also checked the Job Tasks page at both times and the task #139 calculate_tag_subscriptions has been "processing" the entire time with the last run date being 2011-08-25 11:33. I can never figure out what Danbooru time is for some reason, but...I wonder if it needs one of you spiffy higher-ups to smack it with a large blunt object.


Laethiel said:
Looks like it's stuck again. says calculate_tag_subscriptions is pending, and was last run 2011-10-04 17:41

This is also holding up all the implications/aliases I've submitted today, in case anyone reads my "done" post and then wonders why they don't see the change in effect. "Done" for me means I've submitted it, now the system needs to do its thing.

Edit: jeeze, I submitted almost 7 pages of aliases/implications today. I need to run through the forums more often, it's just hard to do so.

Edit2: make that 9 pages.

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