
Artist tagging help

Posted under General

post #579621 has no artist tag, but it has hachikotohi as a general tag . The pixiv name is just "ことひ", so I don't know where the "hachi" part came from.

post #827223 has no artist tag, but has habuhabu as a general tag. The pixiv name is "小西".

post #1374430 has no artist tag. 柏木ちさめ is somewhere on the pixiv profile page but I'm getting 8 different readings for 柏木.

post #196455. It is tagged with hani06 and it looks like it's signed that way in the lower left. The post doesn't have a source listed, but a tineye search got me a deviantart page by a user called "hani7". Should that be used as the artist?


I've found a user who has 20 pages worth of uploads that don't have an artist tag even though the sources for most (all?) of them come from pixiv. Is there a particular moderator that I should report this to?

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