Jarlath said:
Anyone able to ID this artist, or should I call him DemonLord?
Posted under General
Jarlath said:
Anyone able to ID this artist, or should I call him DemonLord?
Nitrogen09 said:
Thank you!
This user here.
Provence said:
This user here.
Has two names: KMKM and 縞邑 (しまむら) -> kmkm_(shimamura)
I guess I write now everytime here when I have an artist request :3.
One nicoseiga artist:
One pixiv artist:
Btw. I have a question for this thread:
Can I also use it to ask if an artist is sure to take pics from. Like on Twitter, I encounter sometimes people who uploads good art, but they don't have a wikipage on danbooru. That's for safety...not that this guy stole the pic from somewhere else.
For example this user on Twitter (with the KanColle pic):
What artist name should we use for http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=57341635
Provence said:
One nicoseiga artist:
This artist already has an entry, it's se-u-ra.
One pixiv artist:
Btw. I have a question for this thread:
Can I also use it to ask if an artist is sure to take pics from. Like on Twitter, I encounter sometimes people who uploads good art, but they don't have a wikipage on danbooru. That's for safety...not that this guy stole the pic from somewhere else.
For example this user on Twitter (with the KanColle pic):
It's the Twitter account of this artist: liking
mattiasc02 said:
What artist name should we use for http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=57341635
Use the artist's Pixiv nickname (right under their avatar) for their name. Created shintani. (this artist seems to have a Weibo account?)
Provence said:
Chinese artist: yinzhi_beiju
Provence said:
桜夢こめ, the reading is given as youmu_kome.
Danaii said:
hoshi铃铛 (hoshi_lingdang)
Provence said:
It's the Nico account of this artist: kinnan
Provence said:
Seiga account for akairo no mako
You can try to search picture using SauceNao for staff like this.