
Upload Feedback Thread - post here if your uploads keep getting deleted

Posted under General

WeakestResUser said:

forum #283582 (tl;dr: status:deleted user:WeakestResUser)

A lot of these are not getting approved because they're duplicates. Other common issues are bad anatomy (post #7693319) and amateurish quality (post #7716946). These I hope are already apparent to you. Mixed in with that, there are posts that are decent quality, but have generic composition, like post #7728664.

This is the most frustrating type of deletion, because it's not that the post is poor quality, it's just uninteresting. A full-body render of a somewhat generic anime girl from a gacha game is just not that appealing to most approvers, because they've seen it a million times already. Consequentially this type of post has to meet a higher quality standard to get approved vs for example post #7256544 or post #7255139 which are relatively low quality. Hopefully this useful, or at least interesting to you.

No, that absolutely helps out, I sincerely appreciate the perspective. The duplicates and genuinely low quality posts I definitely get - sometimes I tried to push my luck again on an artist I'd previously been deleted on or ended up pushing through a duplicate without reading the red warnings at the bottom of the screen on the upload page. Those are definitely on me. It's the ones outside of those that had me scratching my head.

Might have to make another dramatic shift in what I'm uploading. Obviously relying on popular artists isn't the way to go since they're already taken up by snipers and the like, so I'll have to eck out the extra mile against the good quality ones I do have up and get even more that match that so I can stop racking up deletions. Current trajectory just isn't sustainable, and you are right, these kinds of deletions have definitely been super frustrating.

MintyBea said:

I genuinely do not understand why post #7740647 was deleted. I thought it was great quality, at least in comparison to all my old posts you kept deleting! I'm like, 95% sure the approvers are just trolling me at this point.

This post is very low quality. Please look at approver:any status:active to get a general feel of what kind of posts approvers like. I assure you no approver is trolling you.

HyphenSam said:

This post is very low quality. Please look at approver:any status:active to get a general feel of what kind of posts approvers like. I assure you no approver is trolling you.

Why do you consider it low quality, though? The drawing itself is good, and I don't understand why the approvers don't like it. PLEASE ANSWER ME.

MintyBea said:

Why do you consider it low quality, though? The drawing itself is good, and I don't understand why the approvers don't like it. PLEASE ANSWER ME.

You think it's good because you created it. Self-uploading is allowed on Danbooru but discouraged because artists are generally biased towards their own work. I asked you to look at approver:any status:active because there is a stark difference in quality between your work and the posts in that search, and I was hoping you would pick up on that.

If you continued drawing while critically looking at your own art and learn from mistakes, then I'm sure your art will be approvable in a few years. Posting your own work to Danbooru is understandably demotivating, so please don't let this discourage you from making art.

MintyBea said:

Why do you consider it low quality, though? The drawing itself is good, and I don't understand why the approvers don't like it. PLEASE ANSWER ME.

I never know what the approvers consider how high quality or loq quality, honestly. And the answers of them, at least to me, aren't very clarifying (and I read this toplic frequently).

bottlecup said:

post #7721207 (explicit male focus post)
post #7717453 (questionable male focus post)
post #7716960 (explicit male focus post)
post #7716955 (explicit male focus post)
post #7716808 (explicit male focus post)
post #7456382 (furry chibi)

I didn't appeal these posts myself (yet), because I don't think an appeal makes much of a difference since a lot of people disapproved these (with one of them saying "poor quality", which I disagree with).

Honestly, I would like to appeal, too. But I never appealed to this day because I can only upload five images, and I'll lose part of those uploads if I appeal. Because there are many images I uploaded that I don't understand why weren't approved.

wispydreamer said:

The hands are badly drawn, the composition is plain and the dress and bouquet look like they were drawn very quickly. The shading also looks amateurish but it could be excusable in a better piece. The sloppily-drawn dress is probably the worst part as it's the largest part of the image.

... Every single point in this is making a mountain out of a molehill in a manner that just reeks of an elitist attitude to post approval.

MarqFJA87 said:

... Every single point in this is making a mountain out of a molehill in a manner that just reeks of an elitist attitude to post approval.

You took the words right out of my mouth (or, to be more precise, of my keyboard).

There's pointing out very obvious flaws, and then there's exaggerating minor issues well beyond anything reasonable. You want something that is genuinely badly drawn and/or amateurish? This is it, and it's a rough sketch rather than a finished drawing.

FFS few things infuriate me more than someone doing the verbal equivalent of gilding up a heap of trash in gold and trying to sell it to me as if it's made of pure gold. Insulting my intelligence is a very quick way to get me to drop any pretense of being even minimally respectful and switch to insensitively blunt honesty about the intellectual bankruptcy of the alleged argument being presented to me.

Feedback only deserves to be listened to when the logic underlying it is not blatantly too subjective or even wrong to be claimed as anything close to objective/valid.

MarqFJA87 said:

There's pointing out very obvious flaws, and then there's exaggerating minor issues well beyond anything reasonable. You want something that is genuinely badly drawn and/or amateurish? This is it, and it's a rough sketch rather than a finished drawing.

FFS few things infuriate me more than someone doing the verbal equivalent of gilding up a heap of trash in gold and trying to sell it to me as if it's made of pure gold. Insulting my intelligence is a very quick way to get me to drop any pretense of being even minimally respectful and switch to insensitively blunt honesty about the intellectual bankruptcy of the alleged argument being presented to me.

Feedback only deserves to be listened to when the logic underlying it is not blatantly too subjective or even wrong to be claimed as anything close to objective/valid.

The issue stated are all integral to the quality of the image.
If you want to use this topic to cry about the approval process, then you're in the wrong place. Maybe use the appeal topic if you don't want "unreasonable feedback".

E: Ok, seems like that topic doesn't exist anymore. But the point still stands.

MarqFJA87 said:

FFS few things infuriate me more than someone doing the verbal equivalent of gilding up a heap of trash in gold and trying to sell it to me as if it's made of pure gold. Insulting my intelligence is a very quick way to get me to drop any pretense of being even minimally respectful and switch to insensitively blunt honesty about the intellectual bankruptcy of the alleged argument being presented to me.


MarqFJA87 said:

You want something that is genuinely badly drawn and/or amateurish? This is it, and it's a rough sketch rather than a finished drawing.

I actually think that rough sketch looks more appealing then the finished art you came here to post about. I wouldn't upload it but the pose is much more interesting and the frills on the bikini look better drawn, even in this incredibly rough state, then the frills on the wedding dress art. Having smooth lineart isn't the be all and end all of art quality and that's the only thing post #7723635 has over it.

Kyoriku said:

post #7726039
post #7726044
post #7726047

These are not good enough, but many other got approved? Is there a reason why these are considered not good enough?

They're drawn in a very generic 000s anime style, the composition is super bright and there's very little detail on these. It's borderline though probably worth an appeal if you really like them. Tangential to your question, these posts are missing basic tags like hetero and 1boy, you might want to take a look at howto:tag checklist