
Upload Feedback Thread - post here if your uploads keep getting deleted

Posted under General

1L said:
post #890177
post #890546
post #889832
post #889829

These have quite a score, the gifs are funny and well drawn, they were translated in comments and liked by 20 ppl, Cirno is cute there and the pic with Suika is more complete than original, even though is smaller in resolution.
P.S. Child posts' fav counter is set to zero when image is deleted.

Bland Touhou. Though the first was pretty good, so I undeleted it.

Its just...there's so much Touhou that I don't even bother to look at any that don't contain very specific characters, and I think a lot of Janitors/Mods are the same.

Its just so...Touhou.

The giant wall between kagami's eyes was the only thing preventing me from approving the first one but I guess it's not that terrible.

Flat faces.

Flat face on Sakura.

Shiki's face and Koyomi's torso or lackthereof most likely..

Dunno, head shape probably, I'll consider it if nobody else has anything better.

Needs 50% more torso.

ehhhh borderline, the eyes bug me but it's not really terrible.

Sideways with a zoom layer doesn't really add anything worthwhile, at least for me.

What's wrong with these?
post #783616
post #915609
post #915610
post #915611

The first one is really sexy and the other 3 are uncensored versions of already approved pictures. Why ignore and delete them? Already appealed all of them, too but nothing happened so far.

Also 3 of my new uploads seem to be ignored/get deleted soon too. No approval for nearly 2 days now:
post #918918
post #918920
post #918922

Here I must ask again: What's wrong with them? I don't get it.

Thanks in advance for an answer.

Log said:
Those are, by all appearances, decensored and not uncensored.

So they're not official uncensored. Okay... so? What's the problem with that? Change the tags to DEcensored and done. This seriously can't be a (good) reason to just delete these pictures. The art is very good and I think the decensoring turned out pretty good too.


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