post #9000000 GET!

Artist alias request thread

Posted under General

BUR #14295 has been approved by @Laudividni.

rename hirota-kei -> andy_zhong_hua
create alias beaskie -> beask

As of forum #229899: Hirota-kei/Beaskie's Twitter account was a third-party. I removed the Twitter links, corrected the posts and added other links I found. In other words, Hirota Kei has nothing to do with Andy, so I'm renaming the tag.

EDIT: Beaskie is a different artist btw. Beaskie is the Artstation username and Beask is their name.


Damian0358 said:

mandi0pan seems to be cecii's current handle, but someone should look into it further (and see if a new tag is in order, as the pixiv in the former indicates the artist has changed their name).

kasuteru and pokepen also have the same Twitter link, but all other URLs listed are different as well; has anyone confirmed whether mk kiu and hoshikuzu stella are not the same, because I remember how the latter's entry was beyond fucked a while ago; and are murderhouse and wakaho riku the same, or is this a Nanakamado Anno/Merryweather situation?

Idk about Mandi0pan/Cecii, it'd be better to try contacting the artist.

kasuteru source:https://twitter had two posts, which I changed to Pokepen. Still, I'm not sure, they're either two different artists that happened to use the same name and got mixed (Kasuteru AKA CASTELL had a FC2Blog named pokepen, I can't say anything about the Yfrog/Twitpic accounts) or the artist avoids relating the "possible" NSFW with the SFW/personal account (They're inactive on Pixiv and Tumblr but still relactively active on Twitter).

It doesn't seem like Mk Kiu and Hoshikuzu Stella are the same.

MURDERHOUSE is clearly a brand account and should be removed from posts, having second-party source and actual artists tagged, if possible.
