The bulk update request #39164 (forum #343919) has been approved by @VR-Man.
Posted under General
The bulk update request #39164 (forum #343919) has been approved by @VR-Man.
The bulk update request #37194 (forum #337054) has been approved by @nonamethanks.
BUR #39165 has been approved by @WRS.
create alias h11_n2 -> serina_(skipadd)
Alternative for forum #341106 since I was asked on my downvote and didn't pick a better alias as I normally do: I downvoted because of the qualifier remaining for an inactive account. I'll go with skipadd as that's the common username across their currently active accounts, formatted in different ways (e.g. Twitter is "skip4d", Booth is skipadd, odaibako is skipskipadd).
The bulk update request #39165 (forum #343968) has been approved by @WRS.
The bulk update request #39061 (forum #343312) has been approved by @nonamethanks.
BUR #39174 has been approved by @nth_color.
create alias ne_nanikore -> imid
Twitter handle to artist name.
The bulk update request #39174 (forum #344028) has been approved by @nth_color.
BUR #39175 has been approved by @nth_color.
create alias sakuraba_nao -> sakuraba_suzu
Artist changed name.
The bulk update request #39175 (forum #344039) has been approved by @nth_color.
BUR #39210 has been approved by @WRS.
create alias yuki_(yukiw94) -> yuk1_94
Same artist. Former tag has posts dating as far back as 3 years and most recently within the past 3 months, but is named after a now-defunct X profile. Latter tag has one post from 1 year ago but the name reflects the current X profile.
BUR #39214 has been approved by @WRS.
create alias sousuke_(sauceke) -> mimizuki_(mimizuki_p)
create alias scyze -> watakokyu
create alias bkhayatej -> j._(anonymousarts)
1. Old name + _(old stacc) -> current name + _(current stacc) (The tag needs a qualifier.)
2. Old name -> current name, preferred spelling
3. Stacc -> name + _(part of the ID)
BUR #39215 has been approved by @hasu_no_kougeki.
rename koichi_makoto -> koichi_makoto_(artist)
Making room for voice actor tag.
The bulk update request #39215 (forum #344118) has been approved by @hasu_no_kougeki.
The bulk update request #39214 (forum #344108) has been approved by @WRS.
NinjaPope said:
Same artist. Former tag has posts dating as far back as 3 years and most recently within the past 3 months, but is named after a now-defunct X profile. Latter tag has one post from 1 year ago but the name reflects the current X profile.
For artist alias purposes, it's only the history that matters sometimes, not the date of the posts. Both tags were created within a year of each other so the preference goes to the most current name. Artist history only matters when the tags are created within a significantly larger time gap and if there are magnitudes of lines more than a newer one.
The bulk update request #39210 (forum #344081) has been approved by @WRS.
BUR #39216 has been approved by @WRS.
create alias yuk1_94 -> yuki_(yuk1_94)
Name qualified by Twitter handle. The other qualifier choice, "yuki illus(t)", is still too generic to be sensible to use.
The bulk update request #39216 (forum #344123) has been approved by @WRS.
BUR #39218 has been approved by @WRS.
create alias user_ddte7437 -> chamadori
create alias user_zjvn2423 -> taka_(pixiv_30779600)
create alias user_yved3453 -> hikota.
create alias user_cvse5287 -> raisu_rice
create alias user_jrhf2784 -> made_(dd3330123)
create alias user_dkzg8747 -> fridgephone
1. Name given as ちゃまどり
2. Name given as "taka" in Latin characters
3. Name given is ひこた。
4. Name given is ライスrice
5. Twitter and Facebook name is 馬德 which is read "made" in Chinese. Probably not a Japanese reading since the second kanji is a kyuujitai.
6. stacc page user_dkzg8747 no longer exists, but the pixiv ID does. stacc name is now "fridgephone". Pixiv name is 冰箱手机 "bingxiang shouji" which literally means "refrigerator [cell] phone"
BUR #39219 has been approved by @nth_color.
create alias sion_0d1m -> sawa_(sion_0d1m)
Adding artist name.