Posted under General
The bulk update request #38935 (forum #342576) has been approved by @sabisabi.
The bulk update request #38933 (forum #342570) has been approved by @Unbreakable.
BUR #38939 has been approved by @NerveControl.
create alias user_hmdp4457 -> knight1208
the name the artist uses instead of the stacc name
The bulk update request #38939 (forum #342612) has been approved by @NerveControl.
BUR #38943 has been approved by @Bernkastel83.
create alias zutsuuyaku1 -> zutsuyaku
Same artist for both entries based on common Twitter and Pixiv accounts, aliasing newer entry to older entry.
The bulk update request #38943 (forum #342621) has been approved by @Bernkastel83.
BUR #38944 has been approved by @Bernkastel83.
create alias atobe -> atobeoverlord
Same artist for both entries based on common Twitter accounts, aliasing newer entry to older entry.
The bulk update request #38944 (forum #342623) has been approved by @Bernkastel83.
BUR #38945 has been approved by @nth_color.
create alias kojiro_sbcl -> kojirou_(kojirou_sousaku)
Same artist.
The bulk update request #38945 (forum #342629) has been approved by @nth_color.