BingusX said:
@WRS It's literally their Pixiv name.
I'm primarily asking you where you got the romanisation from. Does it not include the character for "tsu"? Just need to make sure you aren't ripping this from a machine translation or anything.
Posted under General
The bulk update request #34941 (forum #328022) has been approved by @WRS.
BUR #34942 has been approved by @WRS.
create alias supergroggy -> lazyramen
Reversing alias, the latter is their more common identity.
The bulk update request #34942 (forum #328024) has been approved by @WRS.
BUR #34944 has been approved by @sinapp.
create alias luckerabbit6 -> luckerabbit9
create alias mrlucke09 -> luckerabbit9
Same artist.
The bulk update request #34944 (forum #328028) has been approved by @sinapp.
BUR #34946 has been approved by @hasu_no_kougeki.
create alias partyanthem -> yatsuhashi_(partyanthem)
Dictionaries give the reading as "yatsuhashi". It's also ambiguous, so slapping the common username on.
The bulk update request #34946 (forum #328034) has been approved by @hasu_no_kougeki.
BUR #34947 has been approved by @hasu_no_kougeki.
rename yatsuhashi -> yatsuhashi_(tyatsuhashi)
Ambiguous, using twitter username as qualifier.
The bulk update request #34947 (forum #328036) has been approved by @hasu_no_kougeki.
BingusX said:
@WRS It's literally their Pixiv name.
For the record, it's a confectionary from Kyoto with a handful of different spellings:
But the consistent translation and romanization is "yatsuhashi":