Reason: Stacc name; profile name is 歐MIN (歐 translates to "Ōu"; long vowel Ō is spelled as "ou", therefore, the artist's full name translates as "ouu min".
Reason: Reference to old name isn't mainly used (though referenced in the email address), new name is used in publishing Also to differentiate from a different kazunari
Reason: 1st and 2nd, stacc name -> actual name (with the first from his Twitter handle as "unimon" is taken by a Digimon character). 3rd, we don't need those extra "i"s, making it an eyesore (pun intended). The qualifier is from his stacc name. 4th, stacc name -> actual name. 5th, stacc name and Twitter handle -> current name. The number is not needed as "iseshi" isn't taken. 6th, stacc name -> current name. But how about pool #15837 by this artist, then? 7th, stacc name -> Pixiv profile name. 8th, Twitter handle -> the name used on Pixiv and Twitter profile. 9th, old name -> current name. 10th, Twitter handle -> actual name. He even wrote "Chiaki" in hiragana on his Twitter.
Reason: 1st, stacc name -> actual name, with the qualifier derived from Twitter handle. 2nd, fixing stacc name to be her actual name. 3rd, Twitter handle -> actual name.
Reason: 1st, Old name -> current name. 2nd, as the Twitter handle and the artist name on his works shows, the name is supposed to be written as "icwine", and it's written in katakana. 3rd, stacc name -> actual name, with the former name being moved to qualifier. 4th, stacc name -> current name. 5th, stacc name -> actual name.