post #9000000 GET!

Artist alias request thread

Posted under General

Jnglmpera said:

BUR #26539 has been rejected.

create alias miyachi_(qqm32xk9) -> miyachi_(miacci0)
rename miyachi_(miacci0) -> miyachi

Same artist. Should be merged.

EDIT: Changed from aliasing miyachi_(qqm32xk9) -> miyachi to current version per @Samsara_Kama's request via DM.

So I had some more back and forth with Samsara regarding this after last night, and he believes that the tag change should be as this:

alias miyachi_(qqm32xk9) -> miyachi_(miacci0)
rename miyachi -> miyachi_(miacci0)

However, while I don't necessarily see any reason why this Miyachi (which has the longest history here, as well as the most posts) should retain a qualifier, Samsara does stating that he wants a simple Miyachi tag without the qualifier would be too ambiguous. Can we have a second opinion for this? Any input is appreciated.