post #9000000 GET!

Disclaimer for Japanese Artists

Posted under General

RaisingK said:
How about adding something to the disclaimer about Danbooru's ability to overlay images with translations?

The ability to translate the works of Japanese (Korean, Chinese, etc.) artists is probably the, for the artist, most appealing feature we have. If I didn't totally misunderstand the messages, then boiled_sugar also names this as a pro in the twitter post linked in the other thread.

So I think we should include this in the disclaimer.

RaisingK said:

The content, maybe, but the target audience isn't going to find it except when someone else (or a notice) hands them a link directly, in which case that doesn't matter. It's more convenient for us to link if it's in English, and avoids the URL-encoding mess.

If pointed out by someone else you could assume they either already know about it or themselves could read a little Japanese.

Also would could make it (assuming Albert was for it) an obvious link in both the main menu and on the main page.
ie Stick it under contact on the main page.

Ideally I would love to see it being as easy to find as possible for the artists assuming they just happened to stumble upon danbooru.

S1eth said:
boiled_sugar also names this as a pro in the twitter post linked in the other thread.

boiled_sugar said:
Danbooru is a major fanbase of english touhou fans, because of its ability to tag translation on images, manga and such are being unauthorized-copied for translation

i see this as a plain statement

Pyrolight said:
Ideally I would love to see it being as easy to find as possible for the artists assuming they just happened to stumble upon danbooru.

top, like the announcement bar but stickied unless user close


I think we should include the ability to add translations in the disclaimer too. Just a brief mention at least.

Also, how about we add a thing or two regarding artists who don't mind having their art uploaded on Danbooru? There is the case of toi_(number8) who said he's fine with us uploading his stuff as long as we link his homepage (check comments in post #771227) and mitsumoto, who's also fine with it provided we don't upload scans of his commercially-sold doujins (forum #60148). There are more I believe but I only can only remember these two off the top of my head.

I'm not sure about how this should be worded exactly and if we should mention these artists' names, but I think someone coming here in order to ask that his/her works be removed would be less likely to do so if he/she learned that there are many artists out there who are perfectly fine with having their art uploaded on Danbooru.

reese said:
boiled_sugar makes it sound like we upload images for the sole purpose of translating them.

Hmmm definitely something to make clear in the disclaimer.

Fred1515 said:

Also, how about we add a thing or two regarding artists who don't mind having their art uploaded on Danbooru? There is the case of toi_(number8) who said he's fine with us uploading his stuff as long as we link his homepage (check comments in post #771227) and mitsumoto, who's also fine with it provided we don't upload scans of his commercially-sold doujins (forum #60148). There are more I believe but I only can only remember these two off the top of my head.

I'm not sure about how this should be worded exactly and if we should mention these artists' names, but I think someone coming here in order to ask that his/her works be removed would be less likely to do so if he/she learned that there are many artists out there who are perfectly fine with having their art uploaded on Danbooru.

Dei_Shirou knows as well and doesn't mind but honesty I would leave specific artists out.

I worry that they might not want to be put on the spot in that way.

Approval of their art being uploaded is different from tolerance, if there's an artist who someone knows approves of their art being uploaded and is willing to contact them to be sure they would be cool with being listed as such I can see including them. Just in case other artists want to contact them to question why or something, it would suck to have artists that are already kosher ambushed with questions they weren't ready to answer or don't like and pull their support.

One artist I know to be aware of his images being posted on Danbooru and approves it is S-syogo who said in his tweets that he doesn't mind because the original artist's identity is made clear. He specifically said that he's glad to have his images viewed and commented on by international viewers as well. Even made an account to post a thanking comment too.

Contacting him to ask whether he's okay with being listed as an artist who approves of Danbooru will be difficult though, because he doesn't show up on Twitter much nowadays.

this is supposed to be a semi-serious document, dont think it should casually bring up someone's name just for that reason

Serlo said:
I'd be very very wary of adding names in the disclaimer. It reminds me of a salesman using the line "Jim from down the road bought one too!", which I'd hold in utter contempt.

this too

Serlo said:
It reminds me of a salesman using the line "Jim from down the road bought one too!", which I'd hold in utter contempt.

As do I.

Without adding names, it'll be more like "Become one of our many satisfied customers!" which I don't particularly like either, but I don't know. Maybe it can be put in a way that makes it work.

Brightlight said:
I cannot translate one sentence: "creative works are attributed to their rightful artists." What does "(be) attributed to" means in this context?

It means that proper credit is given, i.e. artists are tagged, sources are provided, etc.

Brightlight said:
OK. I tried to express that meaning in Japanese. I'm glad if I can serve you all.

Thank you. I added something at the end of the second paragraph in disclaimer:English regarding translations (the "fans without knowledge of Japanese" seemed like a good place, even if the paragraph was otherwise just about tags). Could you wait a day to see if that gets revised, and then add it to disclaimer:Japanese?

The terms of service already include the instructions on how to contact albert in case of a copyright infringement. Perhaps we should have a Japanese version of the ToS, too.

However, we hope that you will consider allowing your work to remain on Danbooru for the sake of your non-Japanese fans.

Wouldn't this sound better if it were "foreign fans" or "international fans"?

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