BTW, the Belldandy "Fanart" comes from the movie artbook "Field of Goddess", and is official art.
Posted under General
Borghild~ said:
Just wondering, what are the exact boundaries of safe and explicit?
It's not possible to give exact boundaries, use common sense. I personally employ the "would I have any qualms about browsing that in a public place?" rule of the thumb. That means I sometimes qualify pics with a bit of nudity as safe, as long as it's not full frontal and not erotic.
And btw, between safe and explicit there's also questionable, use it as well.
Borghild~ said:
Just wondering, what are the exact boundaries of safe and explicit?
I like the Mother/Spouse Test.
Would your mom stumbling upon this picture spark an "interesting conversation"?
If "No", it's safe.
If "Yes", would a spouse stumbling upon this picture spark an "interesting conversation"? If "No" to that, it's probably questionable, but if "Yes" to that, it's probably explicit.