Hillside_Moose said: sairio_(pixiv495915) Not sure what to do here. The nick is さいりお, and the URL name is akihito2716.
There's no other sairio in use so I'll just go with the plain sairio tag until there's a need to qualify it.
Posted under General
Hillside_Moose said: sairio_(pixiv495915) Not sure what to do here. The nick is さいりお, and the URL name is akihito2716.
There's no other sairio in use so I'll just go with the plain sairio tag until there's a need to qualify it.
Algasir said: tomone_(pixiv166086) to tomone
Artist's name is よしろん according to blog, and it is currently his Pixiv handle as well.
EB said: zen_(pixiv574100) -> yoshiron
kedama_(pixiv16731) → kedama_(artist)
We don't have any other artist going by that name.
葉月 said: kedama_(pixiv16731) → kedama_(artist)
wii_(pixiv139907) → wii_(artist)
Again, no conflicts here.
葉月 said: wii_(pixiv139907) → wii_(artist)
RaisingK said: Though I'm a little concerned about possible future conflicts, regarding aliasing to *_(artist) instead of just mass-editing... Oh well.
I doubt we'll ever have anyone try to name a totally different artist "wii_(pixiv139907)", so what do you mean?
Another "wii_(*)" artist (e.g. "wii_(pineapple)"). Once you have two "wii" artists, the "_(artist)" qualifier isn't very helpful anymore, so "wii_(artist)" might need a different qualifier. The old alias to that would slightly complicate the subsequent rename.
That was my meaning, anyway--mass editing *_(artist) entries when another artist exists with the same name and different qualifier. But with well-established examples like minami_(artist) (with the other minami_(*) artists having 2 or 3 posts), maybe this wouldn't be a good/universal policy?
RaisingK said: The old alias to that would slightly complicate the subsequent rename.
Only very slightly. If we moved this wii_ to wii_(something_else), then we'd be abandoning wii_(artist) entirely, not giving it to another artist. So the alias just wouldn't matter anymore.
At most I'd have to delete and re-do the alias if we thought people would still be trying to use the wii_(pixiv#). But that's not a big deal.
What about
mass editing *_(artist) entries when another artist exists with the same name and different qualifier
I was thinking about mass editing yuu_(artist) (67 posts) to yuyukaikan or yuu_(yuyukaikan) (from http://yuyukaikan.fantasia.to/) since there's another yuu_(*) artist (yuu_(hi_lite) with 26 posts)... Is something like that alright?
RaisingK said: I was thinking about mass editing yuu_(artist) (67 posts) to yuyukaikan or yuu_(yuyukaikan) (from http://yuyukaikan.fantasia.to/) since there's another yuu_(*) artist (yuu_(hi_lite) with 26 posts)... Is something like that alright?
If you want. It's not critical, especially if the _(artist) is well established (as in the Minami example), but it's not wrong either.
yuu_(yuyukaikan) would be the one to use I think.
His Pixiv URL is beniya90884, so... kure_(beniya)?
Algasir said: kure_(pixiv28887)
His Pixiv URL is beniya90884, so... kure_(beniya)?
Yeah, and his site is beniyakure, so, done.
kome_(pixiv124689) -> kome_(le7)
Using the name given in the pixiv url.
ki_(pixiv185504) -> ki_(adotadot)
(Using the pixiv username.)