
*_(pixiv#####) aliases

Posted under General

Another "wii_(*)" artist (e.g. "wii_(pineapple)"). Once you have two "wii" artists, the "_(artist)" qualifier isn't very helpful anymore, so "wii_(artist)" might need a different qualifier. The old alias to that would slightly complicate the subsequent rename.

That was my meaning, anyway--mass editing *_(artist) entries when another artist exists with the same name and different qualifier. But with well-established examples like minami_(artist) (with the other minami_(*) artists having 2 or 3 posts), maybe this wouldn't be a good/universal policy?


RaisingK said: The old alias to that would slightly complicate the subsequent rename.

Only very slightly. If we moved this wii_ to wii_(something_else), then we'd be abandoning wii_(artist) entirely, not giving it to another artist. So the alias just wouldn't matter anymore.

At most I'd have to delete and re-do the alias if we thought people would still be trying to use the wii_(pixiv#). But that's not a big deal.

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