
hey, are you lacking janitors, test janitors and mods?

Posted under General

This topic has been locked.

... lol. Hiding posts is a function just used for convenience. If post-hiding activities were made public, nobody would hide posts, and would instead just skip them in the queue, like we did before post-hiding existed...

0xCCBA696 said:
... lol. Hiding posts is a function just used for convenience. If post-hiding activities were made public, nobody would hide posts, and would instead just skip them in the queue, like we did before post-hiding existed...

And hence the reason the problem is harder to fix.

And some of us don't use the queue at all.

Regardless, not approving something is never the wrong thing for a Janitor/mod to do. Unless they are completely inactive, of course.

The problem isn't things not being approved, its things being approved that shouldn't be.

Being a janitor or mod here is NOT a paid job, it's a hobby. The site owner - albert - had clearly instructed to approve only posts that we like. If any of the staff approve too much shitty pics according to albert, he'll be stripped off that privilege.

If you don't like the way things are, go away.

45 posts and nothing said that hasn't been said and addressed before? Sorry I don't see the point in leaving this open. If I could see some way that it were adding something new, I'd reconsider but now it's just the same people saying the same things.

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