
Weapon implications

Posted under General

If you want to compare real scythes used as weapons and those used as tools, probably all the ones depicted here would fall under the "tools" category. A scythe used as a weapon is actually an improvised polearm, the blade repositioned so the tip faces upward.

I'm kind of iffy on implicating either scythes or blades to weapon, for the reason Shinjidude brings up. We use knives, saws, and chainsaws as weapons too in images, but we'd never implicate them as such. Not all blades are weapons and not all scythes are.

Scythe I'll retract and manually tag. I would like to suggest implicating chain scythe to weapon. However, some of the posts containing chain scythes look more like sickles with chains but I'm not sure if that's a large concern or not.

As for blade, how about creating an arm blade tag for blades mounted to the arm (which is largely represented in the tag) and implicating that to blade and weapon?

There are tons if instances where scythes are used as actual weapons (At least two characters from Soul Calibur come to mind, though I don't think we have any images of them). Just because a piece of farm equipment is being used as a weapon in some cases though, doesn't mean we should implicate it as such.

A pitchfork could also be used as an impromptu weapon, but we wouldn't implicate it as such.

I wouldn't be against implicating chain_scythe or arm_bladeweapon though, since those are less ambiguous.

How many of you have actually *used* a scythe for mowing grass or small grain? I have, I use one several times each year for mowing a small meadow and sometimes my lawn, just for the fun of it, as well as harvesting small grains at a local agricultural museum. Now, I can honestly tell you that while small girls using scythes as weapons may look cool, in the real world, it would be near impossible! The angle of the blade and the ergonomics are all totally wrong for a weapon!

Now, if the knee, as it is called, where the blade is attached to the snath, is heated to red-hot and straightened and the handles on the snath removed, then the scythe can become a very deadly polearm of sorts, as the blade is very thin and can be exceptionally sharp. Such modifications was possible for any village blacksmith and the farmer himself, so straightened scythes were often used by rebellious farmers in medieval Europe.

Oh, and to illustrate just *how* sharp a well-honed scythe can be, I have, on numerous occasions, when mowing my lawn or a damp meadow, accidentally cut snails in half *length-wise* without the lower part of the snail moving at all... Try cutting a snail in half with a knife, just to get an idea of how sharp a scythe can be.

葉月 said:

[T]agging, say, onozuka_komachi's scythe as a weapon is plain wrong. It's not, it's her tool of trade.

Shinjidude said:

There are tons if instances where scythes are used as actual weapons (...). Just because a piece of farm equipment is being used as a weapon in some cases though, doesn't mean we should implicate it as such.

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remove implication axe -> weapon
remove implication balisong -> weapon

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Much like knives axes are tools that can be used as weapons. Se post #2550983, post #1381124 and post #2084989 where axes are used to chop wood.

Balisongs where invented as cutting tools for sailors as they needed to be able to open the blade with one hand as they clung to the rigging with the other. UK and Germany has declared them illegal weapons but most US states considers them to be tools.

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