
Tag implication: laceup_heels -> cross-laced_footwear

Posted under General

Now that this can of worms has been opened, I wonder if there is room for the co-existence of these two tags, since they are clearly not redundant to each other:

1. cross-laced_footwear (which includes no. 2; however I did not really intend to include all boots and sneakers as well)

2. ankle_lace-up (which implies no. 1, and is what I hoped to focus on in the first place)

jxh2154 said:
Yeah they should be handled as separate tags.

I'll implicate ankle_lace-up -> cross-laced_footware.

I hope you meant "footwear" as opposed to "footware." Otherwise we might get unnecessarily "ped-antic." :-D Meanwhile I will start adding the ankle lace-up tag where appropriate.

As a side note, I have a feeling the "lace-up heels" tag might become obsolete down the road...