I thought uploading quality images, sharing original images of already uploaded recompressed "crap" & tagging and lining them properly would be enough... But now I'm quite shocked that more than 10% of my uploads are no longer directly available through a usual search.
I know that there needs to be just one moderator to approve an image and that there's the "contributor" users right - but until I'm invited to get some: What can I do - but whining in the deletion appeal thread - to help you moderators? Am I uploading too much (usually 12 up to 16 pics at a time)? Or way too disgusting pics beyond any good taste?
Personally I don't approve non-worksafe pics like yours. They must be REALLY good to me to even look at them. Also CG sets are a NO-NO for me too. I don't like the same pic in 10 different versions. More or less what aldeayeah says except for the popular/impopular thing. I don't give a shit about the copyright, if the picture is good, I'm going to approve it no matter what.
You say that like there's not 2000 Naruto pictures and 1500 Bleach pictures on the site. It's not necessarily that Naruto "isn't popular" with danbooru folks; it's that it's really popular with people who don't have any quality standards, and most of it doesn't get approved because it sucks. The amount of DeviantArt-level drivel that exists for popular shonen is enormous and we don't want any of it here.
So... If I get this right, basically all I need is the right timing (to get specific mods to take a look at these pictures) and a bit of luck (to have the right mod at the right time) to get even my "crap" to danbooru. ;)
@FeKa As for CG sets... Once the ones that I'm interested in are coming up as torrents - I fetch them there, then pick the ones out that I think to be the best and (try to) post them in danbooru ... That's why most of the DQ dojin sets stay at my private archive. ;)
But Azasuke's works sure are good to go - even if it's only 10 different versions of the same pic. ;)
I looked through all your deleted posts, and didn't feel like approving any of them. I looked through all your pending posts, and approved one. I think generally you need a better eye for quality, dude...
phane said: I don't give a shit about the copyright, if the picture is good, I'm going to approve it no matter what.
phane said: You say that like there's not 2000 Naruto pictures and 1500 Bleach pictures on the site. It's not necessarily that Naruto "isn't popular" with danbooru folks...
On the "impopular" side:
My only two deleted pics were a Bleach and a Dragon Ball picture. I'm going to tell the story as it happened, and you'll judge.
First, the Dragon Ball post. The person who deleted it originally used "off topic" as a justification. I didn't understand how one of the most popular anime ever could be off topic, so I appealed and got it undeleted (it's post #238848).
However, if that picture had portrayed, for example, Marisa and Alice, or Shiki and Akiha, or Suzaku and Kallen, while keeping everything else the same, do you still think it wouldn't have been approved?
On the "popular" side:
Look at the amount of mediocre Touhou stuff that gets approved. I think that proves that, even if you don't care about the copyright, other mods/janitors do.
tl;dr: It's true that the really good stuff gets approved no matter the copyright. But I was talking about the posts in the grey area (that doesn't include the horrible-deviantart area).
aldeayeah said: However, if that picture had portrayed, for example, Marisa and Alice, or Shiki and Akiha, or Suzaku and Kallen, while keeping everything else the same, do you still think it wouldn't have been approved?
I don't like the pic. I don't care if it's Marisa, Rukia, Akiha or someone else. Don't know about the rest, But I'll never approve that. And about the japanese/deviant art thing... lot of people complain about that, but if the pic is good I don't see the problem with it being approved. Also, lol tango.
deffkryz said: I thought uploading quality images, sharing original images of already uploaded recompressed "crap" & tagging and lining them properly would be enough...
It would. But you're not doing it. All your posts are bad porn, that's not something I (or the other, actually active mods I know) would approve. I'm surprised so much's been approved already.
aldeayeah said: Look at the amount of mediocre Touhou stuff that gets approved. I think that proves that, even if you don't care about the copyright, other mods/janitors do.
That is true, but you have to look at the statistics as well. Look at the amount of mediocre stuff that gets approved in general (like, say, deffkryz's approved posts). Now take into account that on good days, Touhou can make up 80% of the uploads. Simple arithmetics dictate then that 80% of approved crap will be Touhou.
Also, a good portion of the touhou crap comes, sadly, from the established contributors. Jue is one example particularly guilty of that. Several times I've been considering demoting him for that, and even begun doing it, but the sheer extra load it'd put on the mod queue caused the idea to be abandoned. Our user level system is not perfect, and one of the consequences is that more crap goes through than could be wished for.
葉月 said: It would. But you're not doing it. All your posts are bad porn, that's not something I (or the other, actually active mods I know) would approve. I'm surprised so much's been approved already.
Okay, good to know, 葉月 - then I'll stop posting that bad porn immediately. (Sorry, if this sounds rude - it's not meant to be, I'm just freaking tired.)
One of my otaku friends gave me a hint to go to danbooru in search for hentai pics. So maybe I misunderstood danbooru's philosophy - but it would have been nice if at least a mod was able to pm me about that.
deffkryz said: One of my otaku friends gave me a hint to go to danbooru in search for hentai pics. So maybe I misunderstood danbooru's philosophy - but it would have been nice if at least a mod was able to pm me about that.
Indeed, it's not what danbooru's philosphy is, although even if it was I wouldn't consider your posts worthwile porn. But then, I'm skewed, being a general porn-hater, so I'm probably not qualified to judge what is good and bad porn. As to pms, we do that when it's clear that someone is confused, but we can't really afford messaging everyone who seems to have a low acceptance ration. Danbooru has a bit shy of 60K registered users, if we tried to investigate every one of them to see if they are misguided about the site or just devoid of any taste, we'd have no time left for anything else, including approving new posts.
deffkryz, looking at your posts, I don't think you have any idea how lucky you are that even that many got approved. In total, I might have approved... maybe 5? Or some equally low percentage.
So if anything, I think you're being handled more leniently than I'd prefer, not more harshly. But this is why we get multiple opinions on images, and don't summarily delete as a first reaction.
One of my otaku friends gave me a hint to go to danbooru in search for hentai pics. So maybe I misunderstood danbooru's philosophy - but it would have been nice if at least a mod was able to pm me about that.
Well, deffkryz, if you want to search for hentai, I think you'd better go to gelbooru or aerisdies. Gelbooru approves of almost everything, This also means that there's a lot of crap on that site, and the tagging on that site is just horrible (You also get to see a lot of obnoxious ads while browsing the site). I prefer Danbooru.
I also noticed that a lot of the non-hentai images I find on the net have already been uploaded, thus making it more tempting to upload hentai images.
xtops said: will it help to do the taging your self or let the moderators do it.
Not sure if it's related to post approval but you should always tag your posts and tag them properly, like using underlines to connect tags with multiple words in them.