
'Melon' tag

Posted under General

I was browsing through the tags and categorizing as many as I could, and I came across 'melon'. Does anyone have a clue what that tag is supposed to represent? I know at least one image has a watermelon in it taking it literally, and a bunch of pics seem to be grouped to an unsourced artist (but there's a lot in there that's not his/hers). There's also a bunch of seemingly random stuff in there: backgrounds, untagged gunslinger girls, etc. Is there something I'm missing here?

Updated by Log

kristallimeri said: has a mascot called melon.

She wasn't in there though. It was a bunch of 'monstergirl' crap I have no interest in, CG backgrounds from games, Gunslinger Girls, Hermione from Harry Potter, and a few other random things. Almost none of it was tagged except for 'melon'. I'm still not sure why it was like that, but since the melon tag was irrelevant to every post it was attached to, I just tagged everything and emptied it.