
Metatag searches acting up?

Posted under General

There are a lot of situations like this:

The request tags:

Characters without their copyrights:
chartags:1.. copytags:0 -original

Copyrights without characters (most of these presumably feature a named person in them):
copytags:1.. chartags:0 -original

Things that could should be tagged more thoroughly:

Posts with two or more artists (many of these probably indicate artist tags that should be merged, errors, or incorrect tag types):

Unfortunately there is a lot of things that ideally should be done, but it's a ton of work, and I would be surprised if any of those tasks are actually shrinking.


I thought it was additionally used to ask people to help add those notes to ID characters. They are almost always included only on absolutely_everyone style images.

Though I guess your point is probably that that tag doesn't go away when the task is completed, which makes it unlike the others.

EDIT: Reading its wiki, though it is used this way, it was explicitly designed not to be a request tag in itself, instead prefering character_request for the situation in which help is requested.


Shinjidude said:
Characters without their copyrights:
chartags:1.. copytags:0 -original

Just from a quick look, it seems that a good deal of this is caused by some real people's names being tagtyped to character. Some prominent examples are seiyuus and often-drawn people like politicians. This could probably be used to make a pretty good argument for the introduction of a 'real person' tag type.

There was also alot of waha and original characters missing the original tag.

Oh, translation_request translated is another query that needs the inconsistencies ironed out.

Maybe we should start a wiki of these tasks, akin to Wikipedia's Help out task lists.

Re: waha, should she get suigetsu, original, or neither as copyright tags? She's sort of a weird case. I'd guess the first should be fine, since it's how we treat things like nonowa and toeto_(vocaloid). I see there's also a futaba_channel copyright being used for her.


Shinjidude said:
Oh, translation_request translated is another query that needs the inconsistencies ironed out.

I remember bringing up an issue related to this a long while ago.

A bigger problem with translations are the people who translate but don't edit the tags, so you have translated works with no tags or the translation_request tag left there.

Part of the issue was that some people only translate partially, or are unsure of their work and want a second opinion, thus not wanting to remove translation_request just yet. That's when an intermediate tag like partially_translated got suggested, but not everyone uses it, and then there's the translators who just flat out ignore the tags.

The bottomline is that we could use some metatag to search for images with notes in them, so que could do a "(ImageHasNotes) translation_request" search to better fix that.

...or so I had thought. Looking at this thread, it doesn't seem like there's any shortage of other crap that needs intensive care.

Maybe we ought to start a new thread and explore this "To-Do List" style wiki idea?

It might be worthwhile. Or, we could just start up a discussion on what's to be done and recruit more help. Either way, this is becoming horribly off-topic.

Log said:
200*20 untagged posts. I went through some chunk of the middle just doing find artist on random images a while ago and knocked out a couple pages but I'm sure that was made up in a day.

Heh. I wrote a Java program that combed through the entire results of* (plus page, login credentials), essentially ran Find Artist, and added the returned artist (if only one returned).

Judging from my tag history, after some careful trial runs, I set it loose on 10/27. Added over 100 pages to my history, and I catch a handful more every day (just looking at the first 100 these other times). I... um... hope it was okay to do that. >_>

A 2nd full sweep just now (4132 posts) took 1.5 hrs and caused 94 tag edits, 38 of which show up as dummy edits (arttags returning incorrect results, or a mis-typecast artist).

I also try to create a handful of new artist entries every day or two from a regular tag search, because I am a very bored individual, and this sometimes turns up good unknown artists.


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