
Comment Voting Not Working

Posted under General

For some reason, I can't seem to vote on comments anymore. Every time I vote on a comment, it says, "already voted". I haven't voted that much, and I see this happening to comments that I know for a fact I hadn't voted on before. Is anyone else experiencing this?

Updated by Cyberia-Mix

If you ask me, the comment voting system should act more like a personal content filtering system, rather than a public voting system.

The premise of Danbooru (through image tagging) is to be able to find content you want, and to be able to filter-out the crap you don't like. So the same should probably apply to comments; we should be able to filter them out on a personal basis.

Maybe we could replace the whole scheme with just a "hide" feature. Where if a user chooses to Hide a comment, it does so - but only for that particular user. The number of Hides a comment has would also be tied into some kind of a threshold, and if it falls below a certain limit, it'll be transparently flagged for moderator review.

As I mentioned, the whole process would be transparent, and most people really wouldn't know that "hiding" comments they dislike would tied to a moderator review system. So that right there would minimize abuse. Plus, it might also work in a way where where people who consistently hide genuinely good comments would have less of an adverse effect on the threshold of any comments they Hide from then-on. A good way to prevent abuse is to let abusers think they're causing abuse, but really aren't :]

But meh, I'm just thinking out-loud here, and mostly meant it in a theoretical manner. And I'm sure it's probably flawed in some kind of fundamental way, too.

A 30 vote limit means someone can just spam down votes and make several dozen comments just disappear from view. I rarely see spam-level comments (although I don't check that often) so I'm not sure why you'd need to vote so often. I'll try raising it to 10.

If "HNNG"-type comments annoyed me as much as they seem to bother some people, 300 votes per day wouldn't be enough to hide them all.

That said, I think an excellent addition to this feature would be to keep track of each user's total (or average) comment score, then allow each user to hide comments whose poster's score is below a threshold of their choice.

albert said:
A 30 vote limit means someone can just spam down votes and make several dozen comments just disappear from view.

Wait a moment. Does it mean everyone can vote single comment as much as they want?

Right now I don't really get the point of this system for my part.

Most of time, for posts with few comments I'll read everything, and for posts with a lot of comments / unnecessary long discussions I'll only focus on the names I know worth of attention (from what I've previously read from them).

The thing is, hidden messages tend to stand out from the others, and I know I'll read them to know how they're worth the thumbs-down.
However, if there's a value with the comment (youtube) I'll stop on the highest rated comments too.
So far I've been giving something like 4-5 t-up and no t-down (or else I'd have needed to t-down several dozens of comments at the same time to be fair).

I've no idea if many people proceed the way I do, but unless it gets so many posts hidden that you don't even want to bother looking at them for shit and giggles, it's sort of working backwards.

Though I can see this useful to spot the worthless commenters quicker.

Something that would work better imho would be a personal users blacklist (possibly combined with the current system). Comments from blacklisted users in your list will never display, even in the hidden area (probably a third area for blacklisted comments but you know in advance you don't want to open this one).
Makes things a lot smoother, but can't be used by mods unless the blacklisted users are blocked/banned already.

How about making Janitors+ comment-voting limitless while lower members get a really low limit (like 5, or 3 like it was before) and if an user gets X comments hidden he cannot comment for X days? Like some sort of ban from commenting. Otherwise, this all seems pretty much useless... I mean, sure, we can hide bad comments, and then? People making those bad comments should get a warning of some sort. And I doubt someone is going to check every single comment of every user to warn them manually.

Well it needs to be x comments below n, probably -5 or something, as each user can set their own threshold. Some users want to see more or less than others. edit: this doesn't work.


albert said:
A 30 vote limit means someone can just spam down votes and make several dozen comments just disappear from view.

Howso? That would only be possible if the threshold for hiding was -1, no? If it is, then it needs to be lower, -2 or -3 at least.

I rarely see spam-level comments (although I don't check that often) so I'm not sure why you'd need to vote so often. I'll try raising it to 10.

Then you're just not looking at the comments. There are easily 100 or more new comments per hour, and most of them are useless bullshit of the "lol" and "hnnnnggg" type. Given that the whole idea behind comment voting was to tame that endless torrent somewhat, making it unable for anyone to match even the tenth of the traffic pretty much undermines the entire purpose of voting.

Somewhat related: I don't want any comments hidden. Will entering "*" into the comment threshold value field in my settings work, or will I have to put, like, "-99999"?

Edit: It doesn't even let you set it to *.

葉月 said:
Howso? That would only be possible if the threshold for hiding was -1, no? If it is, then it needs to be lower, -2 or -3 at least.

Then you're just not looking at the comments. There are easily 100 or more new comments per hour, and most of them are useless bullshit of the "lol" and "hnnnnggg" type. Given that the whole idea behind comment voting was to tame that endless torrent somewhat, making it unable for anyone to match even the tenth of the traffic pretty much undermines the entire purpose of voting.

If 95% of the comments are that bad, then don't waste your time reading comments. Like I've said before, I think trying to police comments is a losing battle. If you want good comments, you need a good community. Danbooru has too many hit-and-run commenters for that to be really viable.

Looking through the listing, it's not that bad. At least people are bothering to spell.

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