post #9000000 GET!

Nuking Manicure/Pedicure

Posted under Tags

BUR #38951 is pending approval.

remove implication painting_fingernails -> applying_manicure
remove implication clipping_fingernails -> applying_manicure
nuke applying_manicure
remove implication painting_toenails -> applying_pedicure
remove implication clipping_toenails -> applying_pedicure
nuke applying_pedicure

The act of a Manicure/Pedicure is a process, not just clipping your nails or painting your nails.
Having this as an umbrella tag isn't necessary because the vast majority of the posts are painting_fingernails/painting_toenails which is an expected but not necessary part of the process and majority of the images doesn't showcase anything other the subjects painting their fingernails.
The other good portion is covered by clipping_fingernails/clipping_toenails of which also included some images of animals getting their nails clipped.
The umbrella tag provides little, if any, utility that cannot already be searched with other tags and ironically, the few images that provokes the idea of a mani/pedi are drowned out by images that don't.

These umbrella tags can't be replaced by a simple search. applying pedicure and applying manicure serve as a way to search for characters taking care of their nails in a myriad of different ways, such as nail files (a tag for which we don't have separate body part variants, which would just be pointless fragmentation, hell it even pulls horn maintenance like post #8714263), or by using toe separators, applying lotion etc.

Would you prefer for users interested in this concept to be forced to use a stupid search like painting_toenails or clipping_toenails or toe_separator or clipping_another's_nails or nail_file (the latter two being for both toes and fingers, thus pulling in wrong results if you're only trying to filter for feet content, for example) just because you, personally, cannot figure out the reason why these tags exist?

Yes, actually. It's not my fault you chose a poorly named tag to cover the very unlikely chance that someone would try to search all those tags.
There is also a case to be made that if people wanted to see the application or insinuation of a pedicure/medicure, they're going to be looking for more than just a girl painting nails in a classroom.

If anything it maybe looks like the main gripe is specifically with the painting_fingernails -> applying_manicure implication. Which is like, okay fine I guess not all nailpainting is part of a manicure and not all manicures include nail painting. (But also caring about that distinction feels fairly pedantic, ngl.)

So, what else would you posit a good umbrella tag name would be for images focusing on taking care of fingernails then if this one is so "poorly named"? "nailcare"? And furthermore, what makes you so confident this concept isn't searched?

It's not just painting nails, it's also the nail clipping and the nail filing. Things that could be part of getting a manicure but are also just basic things people do.
If there needs to be an umbrella tag, perhaps hand_care/foot_care would be better or perhaps, toss them into a pool.

I can understand the argument against the implications, but not the nukes. Are there some incorrectly tagged posts? Yeah, that can be fixed with gardening. Are there posts that you wouldn't find otherwise, or for which those tags are far more accurate? Also yes, which is why the tags are valuable.