BUR #38063 has been approved by @nonamethanks.
create implication large_wings -> wings
It is a large wings.
Posted under Tags
BUR #38063 has been approved by @nonamethanks.
create implication large_wings -> wings
It is a large wings.
Gal12870 said:
What a useless tag its better to just get rid of it
I disagree, though I think a lot of the art in it right now is questionable, post #8923343 and post #8893219 are the kinds of images I'd expect from the tag but a lot of it is just slightly larger than usual or not at all like post #8968984
zetsubousensei said:
I disagree, though I think a lot of the art in it right now is questionable, post #8923343 and post #8893219 are the kinds of images I'd expect from the tag but a lot of it is just slightly larger than usual or not at all like post #8968984
You could rename it to huge_wings and garden all the normal stuff out.
zetsubousensei said:
I disagree, though I think a lot of the art in it right now is questionable, post #8923343 and post #8893219 are the kinds of images I'd expect from the tag but a lot of it is just slightly larger than usual or not at all like post #8968984
I agree with you i said what i said because i also saw post #8968984 (the last one you tagged) and figured since barely anyone knows about the tag and people are misusing it anyway its better to just get rid of it
As AngryZapdos said, the tag could use a name change. (I suggest oversized_wings.) Right now it's spammed on Blue Archive posts for no other reason than it's "technically" large, when you should be asking is if it's "proportional".
The bulk update request #38063 (forum #339474) has been approved by @nonamethanks.