
Change the tags of companies/brands to General

Posted under Tags

BUR #35186 is pending approval.

category bing -> general
category bluesky -> general
category circle_k_(store) -> general
category circle_k_sunkus -> general
category culver's -> general
category denny's -> general
category duckduckgo -> general
category dunlop -> general
category ebay -> general
category evian -> general
category facebook -> general
category fanta -> general
category in-n-out_burger -> general
category levi's -> general
category minute_maid -> general
category mountain_dew -> general
category netscape -> general
category nismo -> general
category subway_(company) -> general
category -> general
category uc_browser -> general

As BUR #33730 was rejected, I propose the opposite: changing copyright tags of companies and brands mentioned in the discussion (topic #29558) to the general category, except for those with mascots.

Whoops, accidentally changed two of them (Circle K) ahead of time without seeing the BUR - ironically based on that exact topic. Reverted and upvoted so it can be handled officially on record.

That makes a lot of sense but for example in the case of denny's,
post #8479045 and post #8582020 are currently tagged original and denny's. Instead of original, they should be tagged denny's and promotional art because these aren't OCs who happen to have Denny's as a backdrop, it's a commercial work made for Denny's. Incidentally that artist has worked on ads and menu art for Denny's for several decades. If we change Denny's to a gen tag, those posts would end up with zero copy tags (they don't really fit our criteria for original).

I wonder if any of those other copy tags have a similar situation where they'd end up with some kind of official art here.

topic #29558 was talking about brands being copytags if they have mascots. The characters in these Denny's ads aren't really mascots or recurring characters, but maybe that's close enough to the concept?

The purpose of copyright tags is to explain where the characters in the post are from. If it's not explaining where the characters are from, it shouldn't be a copyright tag. This includes brands that technically have a mascot somewhere, but that isn't present in the actual post.

There are way too many things that are treated as copyright tags that shouldn't be. This is mainly because of people either mixing up the idea of trademarks with copyrights, or people having the impression that general tags are only for concrete physical objects, not for abstract concepts like brand names. The word "copyright" shouldn't be taken too literally, it's just a not very well thought out term for "IP" or "fictional universe". If it's not describing the fictional universe the post is set in, it shouldn't be a copyright.

Maybe we should have both a gentag and a copytag for the ones with mascots and only use the latter for the universe in which the mascot characters reside. For example:

McDonald's gentag: post #8640279

McDonald's copytag: post #7172317

We'd need to give at least one of them a qualifier for this to work, though. The best I can think of right now is (universe) for the copytags or (brand) for the gentags, but there are probably better options.