
Monogatari Series implications

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So first off I noticed that nekomonogatari_white doesn't imply monogatari_(series). On that note I did a check on all the other names. It would seem this is the only one that was missed for imply. But on that note I noticed something else... it would seem that nekmonogatari_black is nekmonogatari while nekmonogatari_white is well nekmonogatari_white. Suggestion to either change it to nekmonogatari_black or join both black/white into nekomonogatari. A quick glance through nekomonogatari shows that I do see some posts that should also or just be tagged nekmonogatari_white. In context to the series both being under nekomonogatari would make sense(if that is of any concern). Possibly with alias for white/black pointing to nekomonogatari. I don't mind creating BUR(s) but thought I'd ask as I'm not sure which would be better

-imply monogatari_(series) to nekmonogatari_white
-change nekomonogatari to nekomonogatari_black
OR merge nekmonogatari white into nekmonogatari

As of current:
nekomonogatari: 937
nekmonogatari white: 66

Don't imply monogatari_(series):

Imply monogatari_(series):
bakemonogatari, kizumonogatari, nisemonogatari, nekomonogatari,
kabukimonogatari, hanamonogatari, otorimonogatari, onimonogatari,
koimonogatari, tsukimonogatari, koyomimonogatari, owarimonogatari, zoku_owarimonogatari, orokamonogatari, wazamonogatari, nademonogatari, shinobumonogatari

Don't exist:
nekomonogatari_black, musubimonogatari, yomonogatari, amarimonogatari, ogimonogatari, shinomonogatari