
English names on Kid Icarus Uprising Characters

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VR-Man said:

1. I recommend a qualifier for "arlon" as it can be confused with Arlong.

2. I think it's better to alias instead of rename.

it being inconsistent on using english/japanese names is confusing

a qualifier for arlon wouldn't hurt though

MurlaTart said:

it being inconsistent on using english/japanese names is confusing

The reason they should be aliases instead of renames is because the latter will remove the ability to search the characters with the Japanese names, which some users might be more familiar with.

Generally the only reasons to rename instead of alias is in case of glaringly obvious typoes or when the original name is ambiguous. Otherwise even if you think an alias isn't helpful, userbase may prove you otherwise, and if you're wrong someone will just reinstate the alias later with another BUR and if you're right it'll be automatically retired after 2 years.