
gradient_background is not simple enough to extract image

Posted under Tags

BUR #34713 has been rejected.

mass update simple_background gradient_background -> -simple_background

According to the definition of simple_background, those images who have simple_background tag should be easily extracted.
The images which have gradient_background tag cannot be easily extracted.

Before: I think the images need to be simple enough that they can be extracted with standard Windows paint software.
After: New description should be added to the wiki pages of simple_background and gradient_background which tells users not to use both tags at the same time.


The ability to extract the image is a rule of thumb but not a hard rule. That is, the point of that line being there is to give an approximate example of what would constitute a simple background - when you check through all the posts tagged as simple background, you sort of get an idea of what that looks like on a post. There are a lot of wiki definitions that should not be taken literally but rather as a way of formulating a mindset.

"Can be extracted from the background" is a rule of thumb, not a definition. It means the background is an empty void, not a detailed physical location.

A better rule of thumb is to say you can't identify the time or place, whether it's day or night or indoors or outdoors, because the picture isn't set in a physical environment, it's set in an empty void. Another way to put it is there's nothing to tag in the background because there's nothing there.