
Same kind of items

Posted under Tags

Some things:

  • The latter isn't tagged on anything so this implication doesn't need to be made.
  • The function for implications is that the first tag adds the second tag. If this BUR were to be accepted, all posts tagged holed coin would also be tagged Chinese holed coin. This would be wrong since there's supposedly a distinction between Chinese and Japanese holed coins, so the latter would get mass mistagged. The implication should be going in the opposite direction. Here's the English reading of the implications:
    • "imply holed_coin -> chinese_holed_coin" --> Add Chinese holed coin to posts with holed coin
    • "imply chinese_holed_coin -> holed_coin" --> Add holed coin to posts with Chinese holed coin
  • We really don't need a distinction between Japanese and Chinese holed coins. It's tag padding for a very small part of an image.