post #9000000 GET!

Should We Tag Specific Suits in Nikki Games?

Posted under General

So for context: the various Nikki games are based around dressing the title character up in cute clothes and then getting into fashion duels around it. However, there are often specific sets of clothes called "suits" that are often required to get pass challenges (and tend to be gacha items as well).

So basically, the situation here is that while these are technically tied to a single character (the title character), they aren't exactly treated as her either, often times it feels (with many suits in Miracle Nikki having flavor text telling a story about characters other than her, implying it is modeling a character from that story as opposed to Nikki herself), but some of the ones I see artists draw (like Infinity Nikki's "Fairytale Swan" as seen in post #8545554 and post #8543052) would be *really* hard to find, whether Nikki is tagged or not.

So basically...Is it okay to make tags for some of the suits I see getting drawn by fanartists at least? So people can find them. We already have star sea (miracle nikki) (which despite the qualifier is in Shining Nikki as well), for a very important suit in the games' lore, but I'm not sure if we want anymore.

And if so, should they be gentags or chartags?

I'd say go for it, either as chara tags or gen tags. I can't say I know a whole lot about Nikki but in my opinion, it's much easier to nuke/deprecate a disliked tag then try and generate a new one by tracking down the related posts. Same with changing tag categories if people change their mind wrt characters vs general.

True true. I just figured it'd be better to check for a second opinion than start creating tags all willy-nilly, only to have them nuked a few months later. Especially for things like this. Worst case scenario, tags get nuked and/or deprecated, and we try again with something new lol. Thanks.