
Why do you think the website is called "Danbooru?"

Posted under General

Danbooru (段ボール) means cardboard and the "mascot" of the site is a cardboard box, although this image site is so famous that the word danbooru is associated with this site rather than cardboard itself.

Why do you think it's named that however? Is there some hidden danbooru lore that I don't know of yet?

"Danbooru" on its own doesn't strictly include the box: the "booru" part literally comes from the "board" in cardboard, so "corrugated (card)board" is only the material the box is made of. 段ボール箱 (danboorubako) would include the box.

But the "booru" part is also because Danbooru is by some stretch an "imageboard" where you can share images and comment on them, and alluding to its origins in 4chan and Futaba Channel.