
[[Miko]] is perhaps one of the most missued tags on Danbooru.

Posted under Tags

aimuahanhk said:

Anyone knows why?

Because many users go with their gut feeling to decide whether a tag applies instead of reading the wiki. If they see a nontraditional miko, they’ll likely think “Oh, it’s a kind of miko, so it should be tagged that, too.” And because they reached what they think the obvious answer is, they don’t double-check the wiki. Countless other tags have this same problem.

You have the power to garden tags as you see fit to correct issues like this. Simply stating it in the forums isn't going to change things. also links don't work in forum titles so the brackets aren't doing anything up there

Blank_User said:

Because many users go with their gut feeling to decide whether a tag applies instead of reading the wiki. If they see a nontraditional miko, they’ll likely think “Oh, it’s a kind of miko, so it should be tagged that, too.” And because they reached what they think the obvious answer is, they don’t double-check the wiki. Countless other tags have this same problem.

Can relate.
I've seen posts where characters are fully naked and for some reason, the tag pelvic curtain is used. I feel like my day is ruined when I see posts like those (how dare you pollute my favorite tag).

Ylimegirl said:

You have the power to garden tags as you see fit to correct issues like this. Simply stating it in the forums isn't going to change things. also links don't work in forum titles so the brackets aren't doing anything up there

"also links don't work in forum titles so the brackets aren't doing anything up there"
I made this mistake twice, in fact. Thanks for pointing that out.

aimuahanhk said:

Can relate.
I've seen posts where characters are fully naked and for some reason, the tag pelvic curtain is used. I feel like my day is ruined when I see posts like those (how dare you pollute my favorite tag).

That's a different issue. Mistags like that usually happen because users copy tags from another post or use the Related Tags feature without checking what tags are added. Unlike the miko example, which can be simply due to the user not understanding the tag's proper use, obvious mistags like this are usually caused by laziness or a lack of caution.

Blank_User said:

That's a different issue. Mistags like that usually happen because users copy tags from another post or use the Related Tags feature without checking what tags are added. Unlike the miko example, which can be simply due to the user not understanding the tag's proper use, obvious mistags like this are usually caused by laziness or a lack of caution.

Perhaps the reason is because most artists don't even bother to use the proper tag for nontraditional miko clothing on Pixiv in the first place.