post #9000000 GET!

improve/tag implication: length_markings

Posted under Tags

BUR #33269 has been rejected.

create implication length_markings -> body_writing
create implication length_markings -> penis_measuring

In its current use length_markings means body_writing used to measure a penis (ex. post #7560972)
(the two tags combined are a pretty good replacment for it, so it could also be deprecated :BlobUnsure: )

I think length markings is also kind of a vague name, and it deserves to be renamed but I don't know what to.


burner792wxyz3 said:

BUR #33269 has been rejected.

create implication length_markings -> body_writing
create implication length_markings -> penis_measuring

In its current use length_markings means body_writing used to measure a penis (ex. post #7560972)
(the two tags combined are a pretty good replacment for it, so it could also be deprecated :BlobUnsure: )

I think length markings is also kind of a vague name, and it deserves to be renamed but I don't know what to.

Gelbooru uses "dick-o-meter", kinda funny name

There's a number of things under this tag that aren't penis measuring, like post #6474700, due to the ambiguity of the name. This tag could also be mistaken for any kind of length marking that's not related to penises.
Even ignoring pedantic usage like outdoors distance, it could be on parodies for other long body parts like tails (which would probably arguably still be taggable as penis measuring since it's a parody), but it could also be written on transparent clothing and such (which would invalidate a body writing implication) .

euxinus said:

Gelbooru uses "dick-o-meter", kinda funny name

That's ironically a better name than ours.