
improve/tag implication: length_markings

Posted under Tags

BUR #33269 has been rejected.

create implication length_markings -> body_writing
create implication length_markings -> penis_measuring

In its current use length_markings means body_writing used to measure a penis (ex. post #7560972)
(the two tags combined are a pretty good replacment for it, so it could also be deprecated :BlobUnsure: )

I think length markings is also kind of a vague name, and it deserves to be renamed but I don't know what to.


burner792wxyz3 said:

BUR #33269 has been rejected.

create implication length_markings -> body_writing
create implication length_markings -> penis_measuring

In its current use length_markings means body_writing used to measure a penis (ex. post #7560972)
(the two tags combined are a pretty good replacment for it, so it could also be deprecated :BlobUnsure: )

I think length markings is also kind of a vague name, and it deserves to be renamed but I don't know what to.

Gelbooru uses "dick-o-meter", kinda funny name