
Possible overuse and misuse of anal_only

Posted under General

The tag anal only apparently describes a situation where a character states that her pussy is off-limits, and presents her anus instead. This is a useful tag since it allows searching for certain kinks, such as the pussy being sealed off in someway, or body writing stating "anal only".
However, a large percentage of tagged pictures merely depict acts of anal invitation, with neither dialogue or visuals indicating anal_only. post #7335242 is simply anal invitation, post #8246610 (which I uploaded and that's how I came to know this tag this tag exists) has a focus on the anuses while the pussies are covered up by panties. Is that really all it takes for a pic to get tagged anal only? A focus on the anus over the pussy?

In any case, I'm not really interested in gardening, just wanted to let you guys know about this.