
Add automatic implications

Posted under General

This is probably a bad idea, however i feel like suggesting it anyways:
In recent years, thanks to the increased popularity of gacha games and changes in our tagging system, there have been more and more skin/alt tags and implications.
Some copyrights, like Fire Emblem Heroes, rarely get BURs because of the sheer amount of alts, or don't have any dedicated builder constantly pushing BURs for them.
Others constantly appear on the Forum front page (topic #21341, topic #26405, etc.)
Thus, my proposals:
- The radical one: Automatic implications for select copyrights. This makes it easier to keep up with gacha game alts without having someone push a BUR every single time.
- The moderate one: More lax requirements to wikis. Taking Fire Emblem above as example: implying all of the tags would require hundreds of wikis of dubious quality/usefulness.
- The safe-ish one: Give Builders/some rank of trusted user the ability to approve alt implications in select threads. That way the process should become a little bit faster, and any mistakes coming out from this can be quickly reverted.

I have thought about making a bot that automatically monitors new chartags and submits implications to specific threads for specific copyrights, based on patterns like character_name_(skin_name)_(copyright_name) -> character_name_(copyright_name), but the problem is that the only person actually looking at those implications before approvals would be me, because nobody else would put in the effort.