BUR #32912 has been rejected.
create implication the_legend_of_zelda:_four_swords_adventures -> the_legend_of_zelda
create implication link's_crossbow_training -> the_legend_of_zelda
Both are Zelda games.
Posted under Tags
BUR #32912 has been rejected.
create implication the_legend_of_zelda:_four_swords_adventures -> the_legend_of_zelda
create implication link's_crossbow_training -> the_legend_of_zelda
Both are Zelda games.
link's_crossbow_training mentions it's a spinoff of the_legend_of_zelda:_twilight_princess. Should it imply that instead?
What about the_legend_of_zelda:_four_swords_adventures vs the_legend_of_zelda:_four_swords?
Crossbow training is a spin-off set in Twilight Princess so it should be implied.
Four Swords games are technically completely different if you give any credence to the timeline, but visually they are identical with the same designs between games and same setting/characters. I don't even know why we have Four Swords Adventures since the images posted look identical to the art that is in the Four Swords tag and I don't even know what'd you'd draw to make it uniquely Adventures.
I'd be in favor of discarding the timeline and implying Adventures to the larger tag.
BUR #32924 has been approved by @Hillside_Moose.
create implication the_legend_of_zelda:_four_swords_adventures -> the_legend_of_zelda:_four_swords
create implication link's_crossbow_training -> the_legend_of_zelda:_twilight_princess
BUR for above.
Yeah, I definitely believe FSA is distinct enough from FS to retain its own tag, at the very least. I've already tried removing any post from the tag that doesn't directly relate to it or its manga adaptation (confusingly, the English localization of the manga changed its title to just "Four Swords", but its the only language where this was done).
The bulk update request #32912 (forum #314549) has been rejected by @Hillside_Moose.
The bulk update request #32924 (forum #315073) has been approved by @Hillside_Moose.