post #9000000 GET!

tirugu_(tales) -> tilg_(tales)

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BUR #32628 has been rejected.

create alias tirugu_(tales) -> tilg_(tales)

No one seems to agree on how to romanize this character's name. I've seen Tilg, Tirgu, and Tirug, all of which could be claimed to be legitimate romanizations of ティルグ. I could not find any official sources online for the official romanization and couldn't find any evidence of him appearing in any English localizations. However, he did appear in Tales of the Rays (after the global version shut down) and his asset files contain the name Tilg as shown here. Most of the other characters' asset paths contain the official Japanese romanization of their names, so I think it's likely that Tilg is the official romanization.

Blank_User said:

I've seen Tilg, Tirgu, and Tirug, all of which could be claimed to be legitimate romanizations of ティルグ.

"Tirug" gave the most relevant Google results of the three, "Tirgu" was used in a single wiki, and "Tilg" had no results at all. It's all well and good there's something official found via datamining, but if no one else uses it, we're not exactly being helpful to people's searches.

Hillside_Moose said:

"Tirug" gave the most relevant Google results of the three, "Tirgu" was used in a single wiki, and "Tilg" had no results at all. It's all well and good there's something official found via datamining, but if no one else uses it, we're not exactly being helpful to people's searches.

"Tilg" seems to show up the most when looking up the Tales of Asteria OST. Some English translations such as those on KHInsider and YouTube list Track 9 as "Tilg, the Envoy of Light." However, it seems like it was also released on Amazon, Apple Music, and Spotify, but titled "Tirgu, the Messenger of Light." Meanwhile, I can't find anything official linking to "Tirug" despite it bringing up the most results. So now we have two romanizations that might be official but with no absolute proof, and neither of them are the most common romanization, which could just be a fan translation. "Tirugu" doesn't show up much either, but it's the most straightforward romanization.

At this point, I'm not sure which alias would be best, assuming we need one in the first place.

BUR #34242 has been approved by @Hillside_Moose.

create alias tilg_(tales) -> tirug_(tales)
create alias tirgu_(tales) -> tirug_(tales)

While I'm still skeptical of the name, Tirug does show up the most despite the others technically having more evidence for being official. I'm still concerned these aliases may turn out to be backwards, but considering how many different ways the name has been romanized, having them is still better than having none at all.