post #9000000 GET!

Deprecating light_brown_hair

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finalwar said:

This may be a great example: post #1244455
Should this be 1 light brown hair + 2 brown hair + 1 blonde hair, or 3 brown hair + 1 blonde hair?

Also post #8290732 post #8289215 post #8194754 post #4433963 post #6500901
These don't look like ordinary brown or blonde hair at all.

Some of these look closer to grey hair to me. The leftmost character in post #1244455 is grey.

Among the other five posts, I think only post #8289215 would definitely qualify for light brown hair. Most of the others seem closer to grey, despite having somewhat of a brownish tint, while post #6500901 could be blonde hair despite the muted color.

I should also note that the light brown hair wiki was recently updated by another user to embed the images, but the examples were also changed. The old examples I was referring to for my own judgements were:

blonde hair: post #1187817
brown hair: post #1074949
light brown hair: post #1355545

The new example given for light brown hair is post #7185231, which I think looks more grey. The previous example was perfect because it actually looks like it could be reclassified as either brown or blonde. If we're going to deprecate light brown hair, then I think we should divide them into brown/blonde based on that post. Anything darker would be brown hair while anything lighter would be blonde hair. We can make allowances for darker shades being blonde if there is a clear yellowish tint present. If the color is too faint to tell either way, we can probably just use grey hair.

EDIT: I think the intention was to make the examples easier to see by using portrait/upper body posts, but it was not executed well. I replaced the new light brown hair example with post #1453835, which was also drawn by makuwauri and is the same color as the original example.

And yes, I know it's tagged with blonde hair, but I'm more concerned with keeping the examples consistent with what they were before (unless someone has a better example of light brown hair they think should go there instead).


Using Touhou characters as the examples (and naming them instead of just letting the images stand alone) is a bit questionable anyway because they're not very consistent: Reimu has been depicted with literal pure black #000000 hex hair officially sometimes...

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